
To foster a learning environment common for all children


Ezhichi - Rural Library

  • Children in villages have very little opportunity to reading other than their text books.
  • To nurture reading as a habit, Ezhichi library was started. Here children are exposed to different types of books.
  • The books provide children not just entertainment but a wealth of benefits that will have a lasting impact on their development.
  • Ezhichi also serves as activity centre where various activities are conducted to develop life coping skills in them including career guidance workshop for students of class 9 to class 12

Reading program

  • Most children in the villages are below the class appropriate reading level as per ASER (Annual Status of Education Report) Jan 2023.
  • Class V children in govt schools in Tamilnadu who can at least read at class II level is less than 30%.
  • Our reading program aims to reduce this disparity by training teachers to conduct reading session.
  • These sessions are enriched through appropriate role play, storytelling techniques and conducting activities aimed at improving phonemic awareness, language fluency, vocabulary and comprehension.

Happy schools - Infra-structure projects

  • Quality learning environment in schools paves way for happy students and teachers.
  • Most of the rural government schools lack many basic infra-structure facilities. We provide many of such facilities like boards, compound walls, hand wash facility, toilets etc.
  • We work in association with the local community who provide the labour & materials.

Student Assistance

  • Many deserving students especially those coming from challenging economic and social background are not able to continue their studies.
  • Their education expenses is a huge burden for their parent.
  • We through our student assistance program help such students by paying annual tuition fees, supplying stationery, note books etc.



Case Studies

Ezhichi Library

The library children turn up every Saturday and Sunday eagerly to read various genre of books. They show keen interest in spending time at our library and continue their passion for reading books. It has immensely helped them reading and comprehension..

Case Studies

The reading program

The reading program has made most of the children take deep interest in books and have started to read on their own. This has also improved their communication skills .
